Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Without you...

When the music I knew
Had gone awry
When my tongue
Grew so heavy
And my words failed me
He held me..

When the life I knew
Was coming to crumbles
And the rocks
Which held me
Were caving in on me
He held me..

When I despaired
Wept bitterly in the open
Day and night
With soaked sheets
He held me..

When the people I trusted
Let me down
Trampled upon my feet
And stabbed me on the back
He held me..

When the sun
Which brought so much sunshine,
promise and succour
Dimmed out too suddenly
And all I saw in the horizon
Was gloom and doom
He held me..

When I saw things I’d built
Crumble before me
And had the faintest idea
On what to do
He held me..

When my tears
Wouldn’t suffice
And my hurts
Wouldn’t go away
When I bled
Deeply within me


Didn’t have the nerve
To soldier on
No one to tell
No one to relate with
And all I hoped for
Was dashed
He held me..

When all I did
Mattered no more
When all I said meant nothing
And my bones were creaking
Inside of me
He held me..

When the weight of my arms
Were heavy,
Broken and couldn’t carry me
And my legs
Crippled that I couldn’t go far
He held me..

I don’t know what I could’ve done
I don’t know where I would’ve been
If you’d let me go by
Without YOU holding my hands.


  1. He is always there for us.

    very nice poem :)

  2. its so sweet.

    God picks us up from wherever and He makes us...

  3. i am printing this one off.
    Very motivating.
    To remind me that He is always there.

  4. This is so good, He is God always. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You guys inspire me with your comments and criticisms..I just wanted to let you know i appreciate the pourin in ..Thanks a million times..

    You rock!
