Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just caught the " MeMe' bug!!!

Ok..I’m doin this for the very first time havin been tagged by the affable african woman “Goodnaijagurl”

So, imma play by the rules : Here goes-

1.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
2.They have to be real….nothing made up! if the person before you had the same first initial,you must use different answers.
3.You cannot use any word twice and you cant use your name for the boy/girl question.
4.Don’t google your answers.
5.Make it as interesting and fun as you can.

1.What is your name: Trybes
2.A four letter word: Temptin looks
3.A boys name: Tom
4.A girls name: Taneshia
5.An occupation: Teacher
6.A color: Tan
7.Something you’ll wear: Tee Shirt
8.A food: Taco
9.Something found in the bathroom: Tissue rollls
10.A place: Tahiti
11.A reason for being late: Traffic
12.Something you’d shout: Trust me!
13.A movie title: Terminator
14.Something you’d drink: Tea
15.A musical group: Temptations
16.An animal: Tiger...Tigress..lol
17.A street name: Trybes Corner
18.A type of car: Toyota
19.The title of a song: Temperature by Sean paul

Ooya now! Time now to pass the baton to The Paradigm,Miss love,The Parakeet( I know you been tagged earlier but this is formal so..Just do it..lol) and lastly the ubiquitous Miss Iyabo Opeke..Now let the heads rolllll.....


  1. nice one on temptations!! oh misslove is still me :)... and tigeress? lol clown

  2. lmao @ 'temptin looks'..im assuming u meant 'sexy'??

  3. You this wayo wayo man- i saw ur comment on Vera's blog. lol!! I caught u red handed- player player!

    lol@ Tigress. Which btw way it is tigEress.

    Good job on the Meme btw. :)

  4. Thank you all beautiful ladies for gracin ma page

    @ LovePaprika..My bad about that..you know how blogville works givin different names to different blog titles..

    @BSNC..Was so scared of her tearin me up that i had to buckle real quick forgettin an E had to go in the TIGER...lol

    @Buttercup..Yea..y'all make me feel sexy when you come checkin me up here...lol

    @Tigeress..Eeya..nothin is changin your position in my house..i just tot that the merrier the better..lol...No worries..just leave your address for me and i will be your wonderful aristo from here ..just hope that my tax refunds come quick so we can go on a good jolly ride to Tahiti Island...ever been there?

  5. Glad I stopped by your blog and got to catch a small piece of yourself in there...very nice read

  6. Thanks beautiful...you have a very lovely blog there...hopefully sometimes,i'd have somethin published out there just like you!
