Sunday, November 14, 2010

You are my KING

Day in day out, I marvel at your awesomeness Lord. Time and time again, I weep thanking you for the things you have done in my life and continue to do. Every single day, my story has always and continually been about one favor or the other. I have lived and continue to live every single minute to witness what it’s ever like to know this God. I wonder and always have been in constant consternation what makes you love me this much. I do countless self reflections DAILY and I still never can understand what makes u love me so much. I am an undeserving servant. I never read the bible nor do I ever pray.

I have deserted your church like a stray sheep and have forgotten what it means to tithe but still, I look at my life and all I can say each day, each minute, each second is Thank you Lord.

Thinking about your faithfulness gets me to tears always. Either I am driving or walking, u are always there. So many times when my back was against the wall and all I knew was a dark streak, somehow there u were, lurking somewhere in the shadows, showing up at the right time. So many times my tribulations would have overwhelmed me. So many times I would sit and cry like a baby but you were always there. I never ever know just how to praise you or say thank you for where I am right now.

I know my beginnings. I know where I am right now and I certainly know that I would never ever have gotten to this point without u. I look at my life, how you love me so much so, how you protect me and protect my own, how u constantly get me out of trouble and keep me away from the fowlers nest and I continue, always continue to praise you.

Lord, I am grateful. Lord I am grateful. Lord I am grateful. My words aren’t enough to express just how I feel. My words aren’t enough to tell of your blessings in my life. I could forever sing on, praise on, pray on and it would never suffice for your faithfulness in my life. I have come like a humble servant to tell of your faithful deeds towards me which are limitless. I will forever be thankful to this God who has never looked down on me nor sent me away with my cloth of filth from his presence. I will forever be grateful to this God who has accepted me for me and my shortcomings, who has not despised me nor made meat of my flesh to the enemies.

Till the day I breathe my last, this life would be for you. Till the day I die, this life will serve you now and forever because you are a true and just God whose faithfulness transcends every generation, race, color or creed..How I love you so …You are my KING.

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